As the social and family structure has changed, there are more dual-earner families and an increasing number of people choose to dine out. This has led to excess intake of fat and protein, causing malnutrition. As a result, the government has been promoting the policy of nutrition lunch. So far, the nutrition lunch has been popularized in all middle and elementary schools throughout Taiwan. This study discusses the dimension ranking of satisfaction factors regarding nutrition lunch. The results are expected to provide valuable information to relevant units, so that they can offer better service quality in the future. The subjects were fifth and sixth graders of Gongguan Elementary School. A total of 158 questionnaires were distributed, and 158 were retrieved. There were 125 valid questionnaires concerning meat diet, 3 valid questionnaires concerning vegetarian diet were retrieved, and 30 were invalid. The questionnaire survey was conducted upon simple random sampling. The data analysis was conducted in neural networks. The results showed that the dimensions of personal background and meal amount have insignificant impact on lunch satisfaction. The satisfaction and weight ranking of cooking skills, dish variation, freshness, hygiene and dining situation differ. The ranking of influential power is as follows: dish variation, followed by dining situation, hygiene, freshness and cooking skills. The suppliers of group meals should try to make improvement in these five dimensions, in order to enhance students' overall satisfaction.
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