


A Study on Firm's Usage of Cloud Storage Service Based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology




邱木祥(Mu-Hsiang Chiu);薛招治(Chao-Chih Hsueh)


雲端運算 ; 整合性科技接受模型 ; 資訊系統成功模型 ; Cloud Storage Services ; Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology ; Information system success model




5卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


83 - 98




本研究目的在採用整合性科技接受模型 (UTAUT)和資訊系統成功模式 (ISSM)探討影響企業內個人使用雲端運算服務行為的關鍵因素,以使用過hicloud Boxe雲端儲存服務的企業使用者作為研究對象,故本次發放之問卷共計223份,而實際回收之問卷數為177份。結果顯示,雲端運算服務之「系統品質」對企業內個人使用者是否採用雲端運算儲存有正向影響,然而當企業內個人使用者對雲端儲存具有「績效期望」及「促進條件」時才願意使用儲存設備,但是「預期努力」與「社群影響」並不會影響使用者之使用意向。因此,使用者本身若未認同雲端儲存服務系統品質所產生的工作績效期望與促進條件,即便雲端儲存服務系統易於操作,或者周遭之親朋同事皆在使用,也無法影響使用者之使用意向,建議雲端系統廠商在行銷雲端儲存軟體,重視雲端儲存服務所產生的工作績效期望及提供相關的售後服務方能成功地將雲端儲存服務導入企業中。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting behavior of using hicloud Boxe software by firms based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Information system success model (ISSM). The empirical data was collected from 223 firms. The effective questionnaires ones are 177. The results showed that 「System quality」had significantly influenced on 「Behavioral intention」. 「Performance expectancy」and 「Effort expectancy」had significantly affected on 「Behavioral intention」. However,「Social Influence」and 「Facilitating Conditions」 had not significantly affected on 「Behavioral intention」. Therefore, if the user could not identify the job performance expectations of cloud storage service system and it is easy to operate the system, the fact that their co-workers or friends have used ones could not affect their intention. The results recommended that cloud storage software system vendors pay more attention to the work performance expectations arising from cloud storage services and provide after-sales services in order to successfully sale the cloud storage to firms.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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