


Effects of Tourists' Green Consumption Cognition, Perceived Value and Product Attribute on Green Lodging




陳瀅世(Ying-Shih Chen);黃君曄(Jun-Ye Huang)


綠色住宿 ; 綠色消費 ; 知覺價值 ; 產品屬性 ; 結構方程模式 ; Green Lodging ; Green Consumption ; Perceived Value ; Product Attribute ; Structural Equation Model




6卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


171 - 182




國際上「綠色旅館」蔚為風潮,但在台灣的推廣效益不如預期,因此本研究目的是探討綠色消費模式中影響遊客選擇綠色旅館的關鍵因素。本研究根據綠色消費的相關文獻分析結果,提出綠色住宿的消費模式架構,假設遊客的綠色消費概念、對於綠色旅館屬性的認同與知覺價值作是影響綠色住宿的三大潛在因素。問卷調查親訪對象是在台南旅遊的住宿客,有環保旅店與一般旅店。經由LISREL 統計軟體分析結果顯示兩個樣本的變數之間相關係數有所差異。環保旅店樣本符合假設模式,但一般旅店的樣本,其產品屬性不影響遊客綠色住宿意願。兩樣本的知覺價值對意願的影響相同,因此知覺價值是綠色消費模式中的關鍵角色。應用在行銷實務上,建議加強綠色消費概念的認知與綠色住宿的正面效益。本研究在學術上深入審視綠色住宿的消費模式,提供後續研究在其他消費市場進一步調查,使理論模式更加完備。


"Green lodging" is an international wave. Yet the green promotion of tourism sector in Taiwan was not as expected. The aim of this study is to understand the green consumption patterns, which key factors that affect the choice of green lodging. This study proposes a green lodging consumption conceptual framework based on literature analysis on green consumption to examine the effects of three major factors: the tourists' green consumption cognition, product attributes, and perceived value. The face to face questionnaire surveys of tourist samples were completed in both green and non-green guesthouses in Tainan city. The results from the LISREL program indicate the model for green guesthouse matches the assumption, the other shows that product attributes have no relation to intention. In conclusion, perceived value has the same effect on intention in both models, and consequently perceived value is a decisive factor for green lodging intention. For practical implications in terms of advertising and marketing strategies are suggested to improve tourists' green consumption cognition as well as benefits of green lodging. The findings give insights into the green lodging consumption theory. Further, studies in other markets are encouraged to perfect the green consumption theories.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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