The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of implementing Tw-DRGs (Taiwan- Diagnosis Related Groups) treating patients with inguinal hernia. The 2940 inpatients data in a regional hospital was from 2004 to 2015 year (pre-Tw-DRGs: 2004 to 2009 year, post- Tw-DRGs: 2010 to 2015 year). The results showed that the implementation of Tw-DRGs, significantly reduced length of stay 0.47 days, shortening 21.96%, in which it accounted for 4.7% of the variance. The total number of medical orders increased 12.68, increasing 32.35%, the amount of variability can be explained 42.5%. Consumption points increased by 1223.86 points, an increase of 4.82%, the variability of 4.1% can be explained, and further analysis found that the laboratory and medication fees significantly reduced. The points of declaration and the difference between declaration and consumption increased by 3162.98 and 1939.12 points, an increase of 11.39% and 80.61%, and the explanatory variance was 12.8% and 5.0%. The result of our study will help for further implementing DRGs and the reaction of hospital for DRGs.
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