


The Correlation between Personal Intelligent and The emotional sticker usage




林子銘(Tzu-Ming Lin);何靖遠(Chin-Yuan Ho);羅勝文(Sheng-Wen Lo)


情緒貼圖 ; 人情智能 ; 情緒貼圖使用恰當性 ; Emotional sticker ; personal intelligence ; Emotional sticker usage




6卷特刊1(2017 / 08 / 01)


115 - 134




網際溝通已成為日常人際互動的主要平台,網際溝通者透過情緒貼圖,一張類似肢體語言的靜態或動態圖片,傳達情緒意圖時,本研究試圖瞭解擁有人情智能(personal intelligence)的人,是否較能恰當的使用情緒貼圖。本研究以大學生為調查對象,有效樣本為384份。研究結果發現人際智能、內省智能較高的人,其感知的情緒貼圖使用恰當性也較高。所謂知人者智,自知者明。當我們使用電腦輔助溝通的情緒貼圖與他人溝通時,要能審視當時的情境和彼此的關係,慎選能適當地反應個人情緒的貼圖,才是溝通的明智之舉。


Emotional sticker has widely been used by CMC (computer mediated communication) users in instant messenger, this study investigate the relationship between personal intelligence and the emotional sticker usage. The survey from 384 universities students revealed that both intra-personal intelligence and inter-personal intelligence is positively correlated with the perceived appropriateness of emotional sticker usage. Who understands the world is learned; who understands the self is enlightened. To conduct effective online communication, people need to choose an emotional sticker reflecting his/her emotional status considering the present context and the relationship factors.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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