Child health is not only the foundation of national health, but also the national future pillar of the state development, as well as the responsibility of the parents and governments. In view of the decreased population of newborn in recent years, it should be more focused on the development of child health. On March 15th, 2012, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan comprehensively put newborn hearing screening subsidies into practice to enhance the service quality of children prevention and healthcare. The objective of the policy was to discover the potential health problem in the early stages and provide the continuous treatments to achieve the impression of early prevention, early treatment. Thus, the topic of this study was to investigate the strategy for the implementation of newborn hearing screening with efficiency and cost benefit, and increase the index of newborn finish rate in hospital, decrease the anxiety of hearing-impaired children and their relatives, and to advance the time of treatment. In this study, healthcare failure mode and effects analysis (HFMEA) was used to perform situation analysis, flow chart drawing, hazard analysis and decision tree analysis for the define method draft and effectiveness evaluation. The achievements of our study are (1) improved the neonatal hearing screening finish rate in hospital from 51% in 2015 to 92.7% in Feb 2017. (2) electronization of the medical personnel communication platform to improve the contact dilemma between medical and nursing units. The rate for the connection by electronics was achieved 100% during July to September in 2016. (3) Strengthen the ability for the screening of hearing impairment of nursing staff by on-job education. (4) fulfill the participation of newborn relatives and revise the unaccomplished hearing screening notice by interaction discussion. Improved the registration rate of hearing screening test in outpatient clinic from 65.6% in 2015 to 100% in Fed 2017. We hypothesized that using HFMEA can effectively analyzed and help solving complex medical procedures, and to increase the finish rate for the hearing screening in hospital. Our results provide a reference for the medical units nationally and benefit more newborn to establish a medical environment with the central dogma of patient safety.
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