


Understanding college students and employees’ organization management of adopted instant messaging




傅議鋒(Yi-Feng Fu);常棕盛(Tsung-Sheng Chang);楊豐兆(Feng-Chao Yang)


即時通訊 ; 組織管理 ; LINE ; 校園 ; Instant Messaging (IM) ; Organization management ; LINE ; college




6卷特刊3(2017 / 08 / 01)


186 - 195




即時通訊(Instant messaging, IM)是現今行動應用軟體的一個重要工具,它提供了一個快速溝通的管道。然而近年來常在不同的組織管理領域,探討使用即時通訊對於管理效率的議題。本研究旨在探討當前學校行政管理人員與工讀生之間,若是使用即時通訊作為溝通工具,其使用的狀況為何。調查對象為一家台灣中部私立大學,以台灣民眾較熟悉的即時通訊軟體-LINE為主。經由深入訪談的方式,從中了解學校行政成員與學生之間關係,在LINE的使用情形。透過本研究的文獻歸納,並依據實地訪談的結果,整理出對相關議題和建議,提供給後續學者或學校經營作為參考。


Instant messaging (IM) software is an important tool in the organization. Its main function includes the instant messaging, dialogue, shared resources, and group conversation. Since this is the principal medium of communication to interact with the employee. Thus, to identify the key aspects which must be taken into account in the adopt LINE and which contribute to a successful organization management. We undertake a case study of a specific college in central Taiwan. This simply discusses their currently using to a situation. The results obtained provide several lessons which should be borne in mind when adopting LINE as e-communicate tool.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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