


Recommendation information’s moderating effects on the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention: A case study of online bookstore




柴康偉(Kang-Wei Chai);蔡爭岳(Cheng-Yueh Tsai);郭諭樺(Yu-Hua Kuo);蘇鳳茹(Fong-Ru Su)


品牌知名度 ; 購買意願 ; 推薦資訊 ; 網路書店 ; Brand Awareness ; Recommended Information ; Online Bookstore




6卷特刊3(2017 / 08 / 01)


40 - 50




隨著網路慢慢普及化,以往傳統實體書店已逐步擴展至網路虛擬商店形式,在現今網路的新世代下,許多人為求方便性以及講求效率化,讓網路購物已成為當前資訊社會的新潮流。本研究首先從人口統計變項來檢視四個不同構面的差異性,接著探討干擾變項「推薦資訊」是對自變項「品牌知名度」及依變項「購買意願」模式的影響性,研究採用問卷調查法,對象以台南某科技大學的學生為對象,對所得 資料藉由SPSS統計套裝軟體,以敘述統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析與層級迴歸等分析法分析資料。研究結果發現:(1)消費者的不同人口統計變項對品牌知名度、推薦資訊及購買意願有著顯著影響;(2)當消費者對網路書店之品牌知名度越認同時,則提高其對網路書店商品之購買意願;(3)網路書店之品牌知名度對網路書店商品購買意願的關係,並未受到網路書店所提供之推薦資訊的干擾。但消費者在高推薦資訊與低推薦資訊的狀態下,對品牌知名度及購買意願上是有所差異的。


With the gradual popularization of the network, the general physical bookstore has been gradually extended to open an online store in the internet. In the new internet generation of users, many people emphasis on the convenience and efficiency, so that online shopping has become the new trend of the current society. This study first examined the differences in the four different facets from the demographic variables, and then explores the influence of the moderator, 'recommendation information', on between 'brand awareness' and 'purchase intention'. In this paper, the data collected by the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS statistical software for descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA and hierarchical regression analysis. The results show that: (1) different demographic variables of consumers have significant influences on brand awareness, recommended information and purchase intention; (2) when customers are more aware of the brand awareness of online bookstores, they will increase their willingness to purchase online bookstore merchandise; (3) the relationship between online bookstore brand awareness and online bookstore merchandise purchase intention has not been significantly moderated by the online bookstore recommended information. But customers in the high or low recommended information classification, there are statistically significant differences between their brand awareness and purchase intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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