Government employees-specifically military officers, civil servants and teachers-are encountering with more job stress and dilemmas than ever before. this research analyzes the interaction among adversity quotient, social support, job stress and Physical and Mental Health, also investigates the relationship among these dimensions to unravel the factors that affect the physical and mental health of military officers, civil servants, and teachers. I have adopted the convenience sampling method to obtain samples. 654 copies were sent out, and 593 valid questionnaires were returned, the effective response rate is 91.6%. The data were analyzed by using SPSS for examining the hypotheses of this study in order to provide research conclusions and concrete suggestions. According to the findings, the adversity quotient of military officers, civil servants, and teachers had significant effect on social support; the adversity quotient of military officers, civil servants, and teachers had significant effect on job stress, social support, the physical and mental health; the social support of military officers, civil servants, and teachers had significant effect on job stress; the social support and job stress of military officers, civil servants, and teachers had no significant effect on the physical and mental health.
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