With the popularization of smart phones, the mobile phone market has gradually shifted from the hands of the seller to the buyer's hands, becoming a customer-oriented buyer's market. In this study, the user of the iPhone, a well-known brand of Apple Computer, is the subject of the study. It discusses the relationship between experiential marketing, customer loyalty and repurchase intention, and analyzes the effect of customer loyalty between experiential marketing and repurchase intention. In this study, a questionnaire survey of iPhone users in Taiwan, using a convenient sampling method, issued a total of 326 questionnaires, 305 valid questionnaires, the recovery rate of 94%, the sample of this study for statistical analysis, data regression and correlation after the analysis, the results show that experiential marketing has a significant positive impact on customer loyalty, and customer loyalty has a significant positive effect on repurchase intention. Experiential marketing has a significant positive impact on repurchase intention. Customer loyalty has partial mediation effected between experiential marketing and repurchase intention.
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