This study explored the strategic planning of a cosmetic raw material supplier, the P-more Trading Company Limited (P-more in short), as a model case. P-more has become a BASF dealer since 2006. In mere ten years, it achieved the status as one of the largest cosmetic raw material suppliers in Taiwan, which was recognized as an extremely successful case. Hence, this study explored deep into the strategic planning of P-more: evaluate its vison, mission, goals, and value statement, investigate its internal and external environment and analyze SWOT. Examine its supply chain strategy in line with its main strategy, and then thoroughly investigate the combined STP and marketing strategy, which led to the conclusion of success factors for P-more: in addition to efficiently supply cosmetic materials, the company have very strong team work with advanced laboratories devoted for cosmetic product research and development which creates a very unique business model. In this paper, we also provided suggestions for future development of P-more. The study results may be leveraged for strategic planning of a supply chain company.
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