
Examining the factors affecting continuance intention with online server tutorial services: The usability effect




Li-Pen Chao;Jiin-Po Wu;Charlie C. Chen


Interactive learning environments ; Usability ; Human-computer interface ; Service encounter ; Continuance intention




8卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


188 - 207




Reliable, scalable, and secure servers are fundamental to e-business success. Many information system (IS) lack knowledge and skills regarding how to build, configure, and use a server to support e-business. Demand is growing for online interactive learning tutorial service that allow users to quickly acquire server-related skills and knowledge without investing excessive time or effort remains unclear. However, whether IS technical users are accepting the use of online interactive learning tutorial service. In addition, the potential factors contributing to user satisfaction and continuance intention are unknown. This paper adopts the service encounter theory and examines three potential factors for the continuance intention of server tutorial services: perceived usability, perceived satisfaction and perceived value. A model was developed according to the hypotheses and then tested using the partial least squares. Results indicated that during the pre-encounter stage the usability of online tutorial services has a positive influence on the perceived value and user satisfaction. During the encounter stage users who exhibit higher satisfaction with online server tutorial services are more likely to continue using these services. Usability plays a crucial function on the three e-service encounter stages. Finally, perceived usability on behavior intention is mediated by user satisfaction. The study also highlights implications for online tutorial service research and for practice.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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