


Mobile App and Epic Content Marketing: A Case Study of A Competence-Based Training Institute and Its Promotion on Professional Certificates




婁國仁(Kuo-Ren Lou);黃英峰(Ying-Feng Huang);柯亞先(Ya-Hsien Ko)


行動App ; 經典內容行銷 ; 職能培訓講習 ; 專業證照推廣 ; mobile application ; App ; epic content marketing ; competence-based training institute ; professional certificate promotion




8卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


56 - 72






This study explored into how a competence based-training institute, using Infor Technology Ltd. (ITL) as an example, may apply mobile applications (App) following epic content marketing principles to enhance its competence based training curriculum and promote professional certification program. As a result of this thorough study, it is recommended that ITL should pay special attention to the following three key areas: 1. Use BEST formula to stimulate creativity. 2. The content marketing strategy (including a life-cycle marketing strategy and general tactics for each specified stage in the life-cycle) derived from the marketing communications model, should be carried out systematically, 3. Define pertinent competency terms and standards with respect to each professional industry and sub-field in order to adequately and thoroughly specify matching skills and capabilities in order to plan and compose qualification lists, which facilitate design and development of the corresponding examination. The study results also revealed the following important findings: 1. Marketing should also emphasize face-to-face interaction with customers. Currently an extremely effective initiative of face-to-face interaction for ITL to take on is to continuously sponsor and lead the National Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship contest among all major Taiwan colleges. 2. An important and effective marketing strategy nowadays is to interweave the conventional marketing with online marketing strategy. For example, ITL may use online as well as traditional news media to broadcast the national contest results when the event is completed, which will greatly enhance the advisement effect. 3. Most high-end companies develop and maintain prominent FB portals as their important social media to promote visibility and web commercial into online communities. It is strongly recommended that ITL build a FB fan site rapidly in order to further raise their marketing effects.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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