Armed with Chen et al. (2018), this study uses days sales outstanding and days payable outstanding as the proxy variables for customer relationship strength and supplier relationship strength respectively, to explore whether these two strengths have impacts on companies' long-term liquidity. Our regression analysis findings show that the stronger the customer relationship is, the lower the fixed assets ratio and the times interest earned but the higher the debt to equity ratio will be, all without significance. On the other hand, our findings also show that the stronger the supplier relationship is, the higher the debt to equity ratio but the lower the times interest earned will be, without significance for both; The impact on the fixed assets ratio, however, shows rater significantly negative. This study's findings highlight the key role of financing fixed assets investments plays on enhancing companies' supply chain relations. In addition to the comprehensive evaluation of risk and returns of the fixed assets investments committed, the prudent selection of their corresponding financing plans will help maintain the optimal capital structure and avoid the deterioration of companies' value.
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