


Exploring the Influence of YouTuber style types and their factors-The Case of Adolescent




陳亮均(Liang-Chun Chen);岑世寬(Shih-Kuan Tsen);李建邦(Chien-Pang Lee)


YouTuber ; 價值觀 ; 模仿行為 ; 消費行為 ; YouTuber ; values ; imitation behaviors ; consumption behaviors




8卷特刊1(2019 / 08 / 01)


156 - 166






YouTube has become the most popular video platform since the Internet gradually emerged and became popular in last decade. YouTubers have indirectly considered as a kind of favorite career. Young generation has been impacted intensively as YouTubers create diverse contents and deeply loved by young people. The purpose of this research is to explore the influence of different types of YouTubers on these three aspects including adolescent values, behaviors of imitation and their consumptions. Furthermore, this research also discusses the relationships between those aspects. In this study, online questionnaires and surveys were used for data collection, and each hypothesis was examined by variance analysis and correlation analysis. The results are as follows: (1) People tend to think that types of YouTubers' influence to imitative behaviors differs a lot, and comparing to knowledge-based YouTubers, glamour/charm YouTubers are more likely to cause imitative behaviors. (2) Gender, age or occupation do not affect people's perception of the influence with three aspects mentioned above as diversity of YouTuber types and contents diverse. (3) The perception of YouTuber's influence on the three aspects, values, imitation and consumption, is tightly related to one another. At end of the research, based on the study results, recommendations are proposed for reference if subsequent research.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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