


Emergency Medical Resource Information Service Platform and Its Big Data Analysis Applications




邢學皓(Shue-Hao Sing);廖宗得(Tsung-Der Liao);張顯瑞(Shen-Ruei Chang);曾聖傑(Scern-Jie Tseng);周韻寰(Annie Y. H. Chou);曾守正(Frank S. C. Tseng)


醫療資源 ; 資料倉儲 ; 大數據分析 ; Medical Resources ; Data Warehousing ; Big Data Analysis




8卷特刊2(2019 / 08 / 01)


21 - 36






This study explores how to develop a medical resource information service platform to collect information on hospital beds and outpatient clinics in various hospitals through a development of Web crawler, and the integration of collected data into a database. In addition to unifying the data formats of the hospitals, our system offer functionalities for querying the website and develop a mobile app to provide an integrated query result of the hospital sickbeds to improve the efficiency of referral to the hospital with available sickbeds when an emergency occurs. Through the GPS positioning on users mobile devices, the information of the location of the inquiry can be collected from the user side, and the medical information collected from the hospital can be combined to visually present the hot spot map of global emergency situation through big data analysis approach. This substantially help people identify places that are prone to traffic accidents, thereby hopefully assist users to plan or find a safer route. Besides, it also help hospitals understand the medical resources needed in rural township areas and the usage of hospital sickbeds.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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