


The Study on Congestion Charge on Tourists' Willing-To-Pay, Tourism and Ecological Benefits-Use Yilan County as Example




于健(Chien Yu);蘇仲達(Chung-Ta SU)


地方依附 ; 進城費 ; 願付價格 ; 宜蘭 ; 遊客 ; Place Attachment ; Congestion Charge ; Willingness-To-Pay ; Yilan ; Tourist




9卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14






It has impacted on the transportation, eco-tourism environment and tourist quality of Yilan County by tourist growing up year by year, since the Hsuehshan Tunnel opened. Various solutions have emerged. One of which is to collect congestion charge for vehicles entering the Yilan County. This study uses the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to estimate the willingness-to-pay of congestion charge for tourists entering Yilan County and to explore the effect of tourists' background and place attachment on it. The adult tourists had been to Yilan County selected as subjects for this study. 326 valid questionnaires were collected. The results in this study are as follows: (1) The mean WTP value of congestion charge was 82.40 NTD, the median WTP value was 96.00 NTD, more than 50% of tourists believe that the WTP of congestion charge can slow down the level of traffic congestion in National Freeway 5 and ecological carrying capacity in Yilan County. (2) Income, frequency of traffic congestion, place attachment and the charge control measures affected WTP positively. (3) The identity of "high occupancy vehicle restriction for all lanes in peak time" was highest in non-charge control measures and the identity of congestion charge was highest in charge control measures. (4) According to the traffic flow of Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the annual tourism benefit of congestion charge is about 300 million NTD, which can be used to improve the transportation, tourism and ecological environment in Yilan County.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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