


Research on Service Quality of Taiwan's Socks Museum




莊鎧溫(Kai-Wayne Chuang);尤秀蘋(Hsiu-Ping Yu)


吳福洋襪子故事館 ; 服務品質 ; IPA ; 觀光工廠 ; Taiwan's Socks Museum ; service quality ; IPA ; tourism factory




9卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


214 - 223




隨著時代變遷,國民的生活水平提高,休閒活動也由娛樂性轉為知識性和體驗性活動,轉型後的吳福洋襪子故事館,遊客可以看到具有獨特的產業歷史文化、生產流程和體驗活動,從而得知遊客對於吳福洋襪子故事館服務品質是否影響其遊客行為的取向,並根據研究結果提出建議,以供欲設計吳福洋襪子故事館服務品質管理者參考。研究對象以參觀過吳福洋襪子故事館之遊客為主,問卷參考e-SERVQUAL量表設計21題,現場採網路問卷和紙本問卷調查方式進行,共回收138份問卷,有效問138卷份。資料分析採用敘述性統計、信度分析及重要度-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)等統計分析方法進行探討,結果發現「吳福洋襪子故事館停車空間足夠」是待改善的,建議業者可朝特色方面著手,如果可以搭配時事話題來當賣點,會更貼近民眾的心,進而提升服務品質。


With the changing times, improved living standards of citizens, people's leisure activities have gradually transformed from entertainment-based to experience-based activities. After the transition Taiwan's Socks Museum, visitors can see unique industrial history and culture, production processes and experience activities. The studies about consumers buying habits change with the times, can be used as a good advise for socks manufacturers. The targets of this thesis are the tourists who have ever service quality. The questionnaire is based on e-SERVQUAL Questionnaire 21 Questionnaire, web snowballing and convenience sample questionnaire survey. A total of 138 questionnaires were collected and valid questionnaires 138 copies. The data analysis method used is narrative statistics, reliability analysis and the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). We conducted that the item " Taiwan's Socks Museum enough parking space" has to be improved. It is suggested that the industry can start with the characteristics. If it can be used as a selling point with current affairs topics, it will be closer to the hearts of the people, thereby improving the quality of service.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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