


The Study of Factors Influencing Passengers' Behavioral Intention to Use on Mobile Commerce of Airlines-Perceived Cost as Mediator




陳麗珍(Chen Li-Chen)


航空旅客 ; 行動商務 ; 使用意圖 ; Airlines Passengers ; Mobile Commerce ; Behavioral Intention to Use




9卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


224 - 234




本研究透過文獻資料蒐集與整理,建立研究建構,採用問卷調查法,訪問具有搭乘航班經驗之旅客,進行問卷資料蒐集。本研究共計回收222份有效問卷,以SPSS 22.0進行資料分析,並以路徑分析法(Path Analysis),分析旅客之創新認知屬性、產品知識、知覺成本等三變項,對航空公司行動商務使用意圖之關係及影響程度。透過相關分析,檢驗證實四個變項間皆具有關連性;路徑分析結果則證實,創新認知屬性與產品知識,對知覺成本具有正向顯著影響效果;創新認知屬性與知覺成本對於使用意圖具有顯著之正向影響效果,而產品知識對於使用意圖無直接影響效果。其次,產品知識透過知覺成本可提升旅客之使用意圖,具有完全中介影響效果。根據本實證研究發現與結論之建議,希冀提供傳統航空公司、低成本航空公司、相關運輸學術與觀光產業官方單位與業者之經營管理方向,並作為未來相關學術研究領域與實務之參考。


Based on quantitative empirical analysis, the study explored the relevance of the passengers' perceptions of innovative cognitive attributes, product knowledge, perceived cost and behavioral intention to use on mobile commerce of airlines. The valid returned 222 samplings were used to analyze relationships among passengers' innovation cognitive attributes, product knowledge, perceived cost, and behavioral intention to use on mobile commerce of airlines. By using SPSS 22.0, relationships among three aspects of the passenger's innovative cognitive attributes, product knowledge, and perceived cost, and the degree of influences on the behavioral intention to use mobile commerce of airlines were studied by path analysis. The results of the analysis showed that passengers' innovative cognitive attributes and perceived cost had significant positive influence on behavioral intention to use, except product knowledge. Most importantly, through perceived cost showed a significant mediation effect between product knowledge and behavioral intention to use. The research results can be used for the reference of the researches and practices in association with airline industry, tourism industry and the related fields.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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