


The Feasibility Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence Combine Third-party Payment to Improve the Operating Performance of E-commerce Platforms - Take the "Gift is Coming" Platform as an Example




樊祖燁(Tsu-Yeh Fan);張加妤(Chia-Yu Chang);黃琳雅(Lin-Ya Huang)


社交互動 ; 第三方支付 ; 集資 ; 數位經濟 ; 人工智慧 ; social interaction ; third-party payment ; fund raising ; digital economy ; artificial intelligence




9卷2期(2020 / 09 / 01)


270 - 289






Nowadays the gift-giver often gives gifts that the gift-receiver doesn't like or doesn't need because they don't understand the preferences of the gift-receiver; or because they all send the same type of gifts, causing the gift-receiver to receive the same gifts. On the other hand, although the gift-giver knows the gift-receiver's preferred gifts, he cannot buy it because of the budget. In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, this research used the evaluation research method to design a "Gift is Coming" platform. This platform uses the App as the interface, combined with the e-commerce database, and uses artificial intelligence to predict the gifts the gift-receiver likes. If the gift-receiver's favorite exceeds the gift-giver's budget, the platform combines a third-party payment platform to use fund-raising methods to let gift-givers buy high-priced gifts that the gift-receiver prefer. This innovative digital economic e-commerce platform not only allows the gift-giver to easily give gifts that will not cause their own financial burden, but also allows the gift-receiver to receive practical gifts. More importantly, e-commerce platforms can use this platform to improve operational performance. This research hopes that through the establishment of "Gift is Coming" platform and the formulation of marketing strategies, gift-givers can maintain the friendship between friends to give gifts even when they are busy, so as to achieve the purpose of social interaction. This new type of business model not only saves gift-givers the time to choose gifts, but also can raise funds to purchase high-priced goods that the gift-receiver need, making gift receiving and gift giving a convenient and happy thing.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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