


A Study of Corporate Reputation Analysis by Opinion Mining - A Case of Corporate Social Responsibility




吳肇銘(Chao-Ming Wu);蔡毓霖(Yu-Lin Tsai)


企業聲譽 ; 企業社會責任 ; 意見探勘 ; 情緒分析 ; 機器學習 ; Corporate Reputation ; Corporate Social Responsibility ; Opinion Mining ; Sentiment Analysis ; Machine Learning




10卷2期(2021 / 09 / 01)


92 - 110






The development of the Internet and social media have led many corporate executives pay more attention to the influence of social media, hope to understand their reputation and image on the Internet. In recent years, the public has paid great attention to corporate social responsibility issues, such as overall economy, charitable event, social participation, and environmental sustainability, making the "Corporate Social Responsibility" dimensions become an important indicator of corporate reputation and image. Thus, this study takes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an example, through text mining and deep learning technology, proposes an index and analysis module for measuring CSR. This study collects news text and comment messages about corporations on the social media (PTT、FB), marks the news texts according to the CSR dimensions, and uses SVM, CNN and LSTM three classification methods to find out the better classification method. At last, uses CNN, LSTM and Bi-LSTM to sentiment classify the comment about the corporation, calculate sentiment scores on all the dimensions to show the CSR performance and evaluation. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The sentiment analysis model proposed in this study can be verified to effectively analyze the Internet public's evaluation of specific enterprises in the four aspects of CSR and overall; (2) SVM is relatively stable for the effectiveness of identifying the CSR news text, and the classification effectiveness of CNN and LSTM is relatively unstable; (3) Bi-LSTM is best to identify the positive and negative sentiment tendencies of the CSR news text comments, followed by CNN and LSTM; (4) Different sources of data pool will show different sentiment tendencies to comments.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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