


An investigation of consumers' willingness to use contactless smartcard by Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)




陳宥翔(Yu-Hsiang Chen);鍾璧徽(Pi-Hui Chung);鮑慧文(Huei-Wen Pao)


電子票證 ; 推敲可能性模型 ; 採用意願 ; Contactless Smartcard ; Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) ; Adoption Intention




11卷特刊2(2022 / 08 / 01)


120 - 137




一場Covid-19疫情對各行各業以及消費者行為都產生巨大的衝擊,加速市場環境的變化。在疫情的催化下,人們為了避免與他人接觸,實體現金支付頻率大幅下降,取而代之的是電子支付的普及,各式各樣的「零接觸電子支付」工具也隨即在市場上興起。其中電子票證因無使用資格限制,且發行數量與實體消費通路的運用,是台灣目前最為廣泛使用的電子支付工具。在消費者購買決策的研究中,消費者對於訊息接收以及處理探究,推敲可能性模型是一個應用相當廣泛的模型。本研究以推敲可能性模型(Elaboration Likelihood Model, ELM)來探究消費者在採用電子票證的決策過程中,是如何受到中央路徑的說服性溝通因素-關係行銷,以及其他週邊路徑的情感性誘因-品牌信任所影響。研究結果顯示,關係行銷與品牌信任均會正向影響消費者的知覺價值,知覺價值會正向影響消費者對的採用意願,知覺價值在關係行銷與採用意願之影響中具部分中介效果,知覺價值在品牌信任與採用意願之影響中具部分中介效果。


The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 has brought about major changes in the global industry, and also accelerated the change of market. Under the catalysis of the epidemic, in order to maintain social safety distance and reduce the chance of people-to-people contact, the population of non-cash payment has shown an explosive growth. Among them, contactless smartcards have no qualification restrictions, and the number of issuances and physical consumption channels are also widely used in Taiwan. Elaboration likelihood model (ELM) was widely used in the literature of consumer purchase decision to illustrate consumer purchase pattern. This study adopts ELM to investigate how the factor of central route - relationship marketing and the factor of peripheral routes - brand trust influence consumers' willingness to use contactless smartcard. The results of this study show that both relationship marketing and brand trust will positively affect consumers' perceived value, and perceived value will positively affect consumers' willingness to adopt. Value has a partial mediating effect on the influence of brand trust and adoption intention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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