Through a questionnaire survey, this study aimed to clarify consumers' perceived value of chocolate, customer satisfaction, and the impact on future repurchase intentions. And take the Meiji chocolate consumers who are popular in Taiwan as the research object. The main subjects of the survey are those who have eaten and purchased Meiji chocolates. The questionnaires were collected from May 15, 2021 to May 27, 2021, and a total of 469 copies were collected during this period. Statistical analysis and verification were performed with the software package SPSS 26 for Windows for data recovery. The main analysis methods are item analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson product-difference correlation, regression analysis, etc. The results of the study showed that consumers' perceived value of Meiji chocolate was most significant in the "sensory dimension". The three dimensions of perceived value, "sensory dimension", "consumption cost dimension", and "social dimension", all show significant positive correlations with "customer satisfaction". At the same time, the "sensory dimension", "social dimension" and "customer satisfaction" of perceived value will affect "future repurchase intention".
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