In December 2012, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) and the U.S. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) failed to stop Mexican drug cartels and al-Qaeda affiliates on the grounds that HSBC was suspected of violating money laundering regulations. Affiliated subsidiaries and countries on the U.S. sanctions list, such as Syria and Iran, have been fined up to $1.9 billion for transferring funds to the United States. Money laundering is a risk that all banks can face, as criminals who engage in illicit transactions often use legitimate financial institutions to transfer, exchange or disguise the proceeds of crime. This article explores how HSBC was charged with money laundering, and how HSBC has reformed after the incident. This study believes that the government has the obligation and responsibility to continuously promote the corporate governance and supervision of various financial companies in Taiwan, and it also highlights the independence and importance of directors, external supervisors and accountants of various financial companies.
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