


Adding Fintech Wings on the Fan Economy - Super Star NFT




陳德霖(De-Lin Chen);邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu);蘇竑彰(Hong-Zhang Su);邱德原(De-Yuan Qiu)


非同質化代幣 ; 加密貨幣 ; 區塊鏈 ; 科技接受模式 ; 信任 ; NFT ; Cryptocurrency ; Blockchain ; TAM ; Trust




11卷2期(2022 / 09 / 01)


10 - 25






Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and Non-Fungible Tokens are innovative products of the Fintech blockchain. In recent years, they have been introduced into the global trading market and changed fan economics. However, Taiwanese investors' awareness and acceptance of these financial instruments are still very low. This paper aims to evaluate the development potential of NFT in Taiwan by investigating the factors that affect college students' acceptance attitudes and behaviors towards NFT. In view of the complexity of blockchain technology and NFT design, this study is based on the TAM, which matches the characteristics of NFT, including trust, regulatory support, social influence, design and knowledge, etc. An integrative model is proposed, and a survey of Taiwanese university students is conducted to determine the impact of these constructs on their NFT buying intentions. Finally, we found that, except for Hypotheses 3 and 7, all the other hypotheses were supported by empirical data. First, regulatory support and social influence will positively affect the trust of college students in star NFTs. Second, design affect perceived ease of use significantly. Furthermore, social influence and perceived ease of use will affect perceived usefulness at the same time. In addition, trust and perceived usefulness have a significant impact on the attitude of star NFTs. Finally, the attitude of college students will significantly affect the behavioral intentions of investment star NFTs.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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