Owing to the promotion of consumer rights, many companies focus on the needs of customers. Obtaining external customer satisfaction becomes their primary task; however, most of them ignore the feelings of employees within the organization. According to the Marketing Golden Triangle, each employee plays both roles of supplier and customer to other employees in the organization. Differencing from previous studies, the study especially focuses on internal customer oriented service. Facing colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates, employees have to constantly adjust their emotions to achieve work goals. However, there are few studies on the effect of internal customer oriented service on emotional exhaustion, so this study further understands their relationship. Moreover, the study explores whether internal customer oriented service has different results via surface acting and deep acting on emotional exhaustion. Therefore, by comparing these two actings, the study tries to understand which acting will mitigate more emotional exhaustion. The results of the study showed that: (1) Internal customer oriented service has a positive impact on emotional exhaustion; (2) Emotional labor plays a mediating role between internal customer oriented service and emotional exhaustion; (3) Deep acting is greater than surface acting in reducing emotional exhaustion. Finally, relevant suggestions are put forward for management practice and further research.
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