As digitization continues to increase, personal digital footprints are becoming increasingly difficult to control. In digital governance, the government must pay attention to the privacy issues brought about by digital footprints and how to supervise them, the revision of privacy protection laws and regulations, the protection of digital footprint information security, and the promotion of public awareness and protection awareness of digital footprints. This study aims to explore the problems caused by digital footprints in digital governance? How should the government effectively deal with the problems caused by digital footprints on privacy? Based on the conclusions of this study, the government should strengthen the supervision and implementation of privacy protection, and actively promote privacy protection. Establishment of protection laws and norms. At the same time, the government should strengthen the security protection of digital footprint information, supervise the collection, processing and use of digital footprints, and maintain the privacy of citizens and the security of personal data. The government also needs to actively promote the public's awareness of digital footprints and protection awareness, strengthen digital education, and increase public awareness and protection awareness of digital footprint issues. The role of the government in digital governance cannot be ignored. It must actively face the privacy issues of digital footprints and promote the balanced development of digitalization and the protection of personal privacy rights.
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