


A Study on the Intention to Use Cloud Invoices APP Continuously in the Post COVID-19




黃美華(Mei-Hua Huang);林靜汶(Jing-Wen Lin);黃子恩(Zih-En Huang);邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)


雲端發票 ; 電子政務 ; 雲端運算 ; 整合科技接受模型 ; 低碳經濟 ; Cloud Invoice ; e-Government ; Cloud Computing ; UTAUT ; Low Carbon Economy




12卷2期(2023 / 09 / 01)


73 - 87






Cloud computing is the future trend in e-government information services, especially for taxation. Previous literature on e-government service adoption has focused on traditional web based online services (with the data or software residing on the client and server). However, given the distinguishing characteristics and new business model of cloud computing (data or software in the cloud), more study of e-government services is warranted. Similarly, the government's taxation service is also upgraded to cloud computing from paper or electronic invoices. Therefore, we propose an integrated model which is based on some models related to technology acceptance. We conduct an empirical study to understand the critical factors for the intention of to continue using cloud invoices after COVID-19 in Taiwan. A total of 206 valid responses to our questionnaire survey were received. The results show that only the two constructs of effort expectancy and attitude have significant effects on the intention to continue using cloud invoices. In addition, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and trust indirectly affect the intention to continue using cloud invoices through the moderation of attitude. The above findings not only help us understand the promotion process of cloud invoicing policies, but also contribute to academic research and have practical implications.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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