The study aims to probe into the correlation between consumers' opinions about the service recovery of Taipei Arena and their behavioral intention, and the distribution of social-economic status of consumers to propose related and concrete suggestions. The study employed questionnaire survey, and the questionnaire was designed on the basis of statistical tests and expert review. The questionnaire included three parts: the first part was basic information, the second one was a service recovery scale, and the third one was a behavioral intention scale. Cronbach's α of all items was between .71 and .74. 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, and among which, 289 copies were considered valid upon the elimination of invalid copies, making a 96.33% valid recovery rate. The results of the study show that there was a significant correlation between consumers' opinions about the service recovery of Taipei Arena and their behavioral intention, so the hypothesis and mode of the study were tenable. Therefore, the study proposes related suggestions based on its results and the distribution of social-economic status of the research subjects.
臺北小巨蛋官網(2014)。關於小巨蛋。引用日期:2014 年04 月01 日。取自:http://www.taipeiarena.com.tw/
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