


Flood Adaptation Strategic Planning in Response to Climate Change




賴炳樹(Bing-Shu Lai);白仁德(Jen-Te Pai)


分析網路程序法(ANP) ; 洪災 ; 調適 ; Analytical network process ; Flood ; Adaptation




1卷1期(2012 / 03 / 01)


81 - 100






With the phenomenon of global climate change, Taiwan will face more frequently and severe natural disasters. Due to the weak geology, steep slope, high gradient and rapid velocity of stream, Taiwan was usually suffered from soil erosion, landslide and debris flow during the typhoon and torrential rainfall season. Earthquake, typhoon and flood are the most common natural disasters in Taiwan. Taiwan may be the most vulnerable area in the world, because 73% of the people live in the places where at least 3 natural hazards may impact. The 921 earthquake in 1999 caused softy of soils and sands which led to debris flow whenever there is heavy rainfall. Since Taiwan is located in disasters vulnerable area, how to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience thus become very important issues for spatial planning and management in different level governments should consider some measures to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance resilience. Therefore, this study tries to applying these concepts to urban level spatial planning and management and establishes assessment indictors and model. The purpose of this research is to apply impact matrix and analytical network process to flood adaptation strategic planning. This study will finally establish a proper adaptation strategy assessment model which is suitable in urban level. Through this kind of research as well as others in different spatial levels, we will provide some principles and strategies for future spatial planning and disaster management policies.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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