


The Situation Information Service of Emergency Operation during Typhoon Events




于宜強(Yi-Chiang Yu);李宗融(Tsung-Jung Lee)


災害應變 ; 颱風 ; 科技應用 ; Emergency operation ; Typhoon ; Application of science and technology




6卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


63 - 78






Taiwan is located in the East Asian monsoon region and is hit by an average of 3 ~ 4 typhoons per year. A big challenge for the government of Taiwan is the emergency operation during the typhoon season. In the emergency operation of typhoon events, the situation information team applies advanced technology on monitoring the meteorological, hydrological and geological fields to provide early warning information. When the disaster happens, the team uses the real time video images, aerial photography technology and big data of social media to strengthen the collecting and monitoring of disaster information. In addition, the team supports different situation information to help decision-making in different stages of the emergency operation. The decision-makers and rescuers can easily obtain the complete and practical situation information service from the development of situation information service system. Through the satisfaction survey, we find that the situation information service obtained by applying the science and technology are highly relied on and appreciated by the members of the disaster prevention. It is confirmed that Taiwan is an advanced country which highly applies the science and technology on disaster prevention.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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