The disaster potential map website has been constructed primarily for disaster prevention planning and for the use of the general public. Because the purpose of constructing this website was to help users better understand disaster potential, not only should the website design be attractive, but also the content should be simple and easy to comprehend. Overall, the website should be easy to operate and convenient to browse. Therefore, user experience was incorporated into the website design and development process. Accordingly, users were interviewed regarding their needs, thereby establishing a user-oriented disaster potential map website. After more than one year of operation, system usability scale was employed to evaluate whether the revised website effectively met users' needs. The evaluation results showed that the disaster potential map website achieved an acceptable level in the acceptability range and an adjective rating of good. In addition, the analysis of users' experience and perceptions revealed that the website usability for three tasks increased by 24.7%, 19.3%, and 19.3%. The users' feedback and suggestions were used as references for website adjustment.
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