


"Build Back Better" Through Post-Disaster Cultural and Livelihood Recovery: A Case Study of Tourism Development at Poftonga Veoveo




林韋呈(Wei-Cheng Lin);林貝珊(Pei-Shan Sonia Lin)


原住民 ; 異地重建 ; 《仙台減災綱領》 ; 莫拉克颱風 ; 觀光凝視 ; Indigenous ; Relocation ; Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction ; Typhoon Morakot ; Tourist gaze




9卷2期(2020 / 09 / 01)


19 - 32




當前國內之災後復原研究,多著重於硬體重建成果之評估而欠缺對復原歷程中社會韌性的探討,本研究以質性觀點探討原住民部落災後異地重建的文化與產業發展,以理解更耐災的重建(build back better)之內涵。研究發現,以觀光做為產業復原主軸的鄒族逐鹿部落,因遊客的異文化獵奇心態與部落永久屋現代化營造之不一致,導致推行傳統文化觀光的過程產生矛盾。此外,公部門的各項部落產業復原政策,也因無法持續執行而淪為口號。在硬體重建中,雖以原民文化為設計核心能提升社會凝聚力,但卻囿於空間規劃使得發展受限,進而造成人口流失與產業復原遲滯。研究建議災後復原如欲使部落更耐災,則應將重建政策深化至居民生活,使之有文化性地長期維持居民生計,以增加異地重建部落的韌性。


At present, the post-disaster recovery research in Taiwan focuses on the evaluation of hardware reconstruction achievements and lacks the discussion of social resilience in the recovery process. This study used qualitative research methods to explore the connotations of the build back better based on cultural, tourism development and reconstruction conducted by an indigenous tribe in a relocated site. Research findings revealed that the post-disaster recovery in Poftonga Veoveo has been based on tourism; the discrepancy between the permanent houses constructed during reconstruction and the exotic culture and sense of adventure expected by tourists resulted in contradictions during promotions of indigenous culture-oriented tourism. Government agencies have proposed various recovery policies, which have failed to become concrete actions because of a failure to implement them consistently. Hardware reconstruction employing indigenous culture as the core of its design yielded tangible benefits, such as enhancing social cohesion and resilience. However, spatial planning restricted tribal development and resulted in population loss, which affected the development of the tribal tourism industry. The results of this study suggest that if want the post-disaster tribe more resilient, should make recovery policy be extended to cover residents' lives. Such indigenous culture-oriented tourism can help sustain residents' livelihoods in the long term, thereby increasing the sustainability of relocated tribe.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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