


Social Capital's Features and Function in a Post-Disaster Relocated Indigenous Community: A Case Study of the Toeʉana in Alishan




劉晏汝(Yan-Ru Liou);林貝珊(Pei-Shan Sonia Lin)


鄒族 ; 異地重建 ; 規範 ; 社區參與 ; 災後復原 ; Tsou ; Relocation ; Norms ; Community participation ; Post-disaster recovery




10卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


1 - 14






After the typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan in 2009, the seriously damaged Alishan Township in Chaiyi County was in urgent need of reconstruction and recovery. The government began a relocation/ resettlement project to assist the affected indigenous communities in Alishan with post-disaster recovery, including Laiji Village, which was one of the most severely damaged indigenous tribes. Some from the village accepted the government's recovery support to move away from the disaster-stricken area and reduce exposure to future hazards, whereas others refused to resettle in lowland areas and instead of asking to relocate to forest lands in the Toe'ʉana Community. This study employs in-depth interviews and observations to explore the role of social capital in the recovery process of the Toe'ʉana community by analyzing three aspects: social network, norms for reciprocal and mutual trust, and community participation. The results indicate that post-disaster recovery is a dynamic process molded by social capital across sales and it also affects the recovery decisions of residents. Through communication, coordination and cooperation, communities influence decision-making of stakeholders with different norms in bottom-up approach. The study suggests that social capital, especially that which is locally founded, should be considered in facilitating post-disaster recovery. Furthermore, contextualization of the local social capital pattern is imperative to develop an appropriate reconstruction and recovery program suitable for the affected people.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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