In this study, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) was used to explore the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as a system aid for disaster prevention and rescue equipment. The research method was to design a questionnaire to examine whether "performance expectancy," "effort expectancy," "social influence", and "facilitating conditions" affect "usage willingness," and whether the "usage behavior" is affected by the "usage willingness" and "facilitating conditions." Statistical analysis shows that the integration of UAV into disaster prevention equipment systems is positive, and that the impact of "performance expectancy," "effort expectancy," and "social influence" on "usage willingness" is very significant. "Usage willingness" and "facilitating conditions" also have a significant impact on "usage behavior." Among the background variables, gender and the experience of using UAV showed no significant difference in each configuration, and there were very significant differences in educational attainment, age, and seniority.
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