


The Public's Adaptation Behavior Model on the Risk and Disaster of Typhoon and Flood




林明瑞(Ming-Ray Lin);林昀萱(Yun-Syuan Lin)


計畫行為論 ; 颱風洪水災害 ; 調適行為模式 ; 結構方程模式(SEM) ; Theory of Planned Behavior ; Typhoon and flood disaster ; Adaptation behavior model ; Structural equation model (SEM)




11卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


77 - 102






The "Typhoon and Flood Disaster Adaptation Behavior Model" developed by this study is based on the revised model of "Theory of Planned Behavior," with the general public as the questionnaire survey object adopted a proportional stratified sampling. A total of 1,100 copies were issued, and the valid questionnaires return rate is 36.8%. The model can be analyzed through structural equations model, which can effectively predict the adaptation behavior of the people in typhoon disasters. This behavioral pattern has good explanatory power for the variables. The average score of each aspect of this model: the best performance is attitude (4.00); the following are awareness (3.85), cognition (3.76), subjective norm and behavioral intention (3.73); the worst performance is action (2.36). There are four main paths in the disaster adaptation behavior model of this study, which are: Path 1 is cognition (experience) → attitude → subjective norm → self-efficacy → behavioral intention → behavior → action; path 2 is cognition → self-efficacy → behavioral intention → behavior → action. Furthermore, the top three in terms of the total effect value of each aspect to behavior and action is cognition-to-behavior (0.48) and action (0.37) are the highest.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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