


Three-Level Prevention of Chemical Safety and Its Information Infrastructure in Taiwan




林木興(Mu-Xing Lin);周桂田(Kuei-Tien Chou)


化學安全 ; 三級預防 ; 化學災害 ; 資訊基礎建設 ; 災害防救 ; Chemical safety ; Three-level prevention ; Chemical disaster ; Information infrastructure ; Disaster prevention and response




12卷1期(2023 / 03 / 01)


33 - 44






The prevention and response of chemical disaster in Taiwan depends on the capacity building of chemical safety three-level prevention, especially for the functions of agencies involved in the construction of information infrastructure or in the tasks of source management. This study adopts the research method of case analysis, and takes Chinpoon's major industrial accident as an example to distinguish the "information needs from stakeholders" as well as "information types and its risk categories of chemical substances." Furthermore, this study corresponds to the statutory functions and regulatory tools of the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau (TCSB), and analyzes whether the regulatory tools and information infrastructure are implemented or not. This study mainly origins from "the stakeholders' information needs during disaster prevention and response," and links to "the usual source management of TCSB's task," as well as the issue of capacity building for the establishment of a new regulatory agency, so as to expand and enrich disaster prevention and response. The developmental connotation of chemical information science and technology requires for disaster reduction and preparedness is especially meaningful for Taiwan with increasing more imagination of policy planning for disaster risk reduction.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 大氣科學
工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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