According to the quantitative rainfall forecast provided by the Central Weather Bureau, Taiwan is faced with shorter duration and heavier rainfall. Effectively using quantitative rainfall forecasting in flood warning system is an important issue. In order to verify and improve the forecast system of the flood water level warning model, this study uses the rainfall data (Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Segregation Using Multiple Sensor, QPESUMS) of the severe weather of the Central Weather Bureau, integrates Hydrological Engineering Center Hydrological Modelling System (HEC-HMS) and WaterSHed Systems of 1-D Stream-River Network, 2-D Overland Regime, and 3-D Subsurface Media (WASH123D) model to build a flood forecasting system. The quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) at the next moment is used to estimate this system, which has high accuracy for the precipitation brought by typhoons and monsoon, thereby reducing the flood peak error. Input rainfall data into the model to simulated water level is used to improve the forecast accuracy. In this study, in order to reduce the influence caused by the drastic changes in rainfall, three methods were used to calculate the radar rainfall of QPF. The results show that the flood peak error simulated by input rainfall data into trapezoidal method (R_0^1) is 0.23 m, which is better than other methods used in this study. Then, we assess the influence of real-time correct (RT) on the conservation of mass in this model. After the model was corrected in real time, the total water volume in the river channel changed about 0.03% ~ 0.26%, which was within the acceptable range.
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