Adventure recreation has recently grown in popularity as an outdoor activity. Recreationists desire to experience challenge during participating in adventure recreation (Tsaur, 2011). Dynamic competitive environment, companies began to pay attention to employee recruitment, training, cooperation, innovation and incentives. For university students, in the case of rapidly changing technology and knowledge individuals have the knowledge and skills, if not to seek a breakthrough will be eliminated within a very short time. This research focuses on university students proactive personality, adventure recreation and creativity related to this study, a questionnaire survey, university students as the object of study, and university students to participate in adventure recreation. The empirical study proactive personalities of university students have a significant impact open proactive personality and rigorous proactive personality of creativity. In addition, kind proactive personality and outward proactive personality of creativity there is no significant impact. Adventure travel recreation positive impact and smooth adventure indeed play an open initiative personality, rigorous style proactive personality and outward proactive personality of intervening variables.
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