


To Research the Leisure Benefits of Diving Activities at the Dive Sites of Kenting Area




李森源(Sen-Yuan Lee);蔡鋒樺(Feng-Hua Tsai);李昭憲(Chao-Hsien Lee)


潛水 ; 休閒效益 ; 生理效益 ; 心理效益 ; 社會效益 ; Diving ; Recreational Benefits ; Physiological Benefits ; Psychological Benefits ; Social Benefits




1期(2012 / 07 / 01)


34 - 46




本文主要在探討潛水活動者於墾丁地區相關潛點的休閒效益感受程度,研究範圍以墾丁地區相關潛點為調查地點,透過立意取樣方式針對潛水活動者進行問卷訪談,總計收集198份問卷,剔除其中無效問卷38份,合計有效問卷為160份,有效回收率為80.1%。藉由資料分析獲得以下結果:(一)在信度分析中,整體休閒效益與內含各量表之Cronbach's α值範圍在0.86至0.93間具備良好信度。(二)潛水活動者的生理效益、心理效益、社會效益與整體休閒效益間存在高程度正相關性。(三)在潛水活動者整體休閒效益之最佳迴歸分析模式中,共選取了性別、每月休閒消費金額、每週游泳次數與累積潛水經驗三個因素做為解釋變項,模式說明了該三項變項是影響休閒效益的主因,綜合言之,潛水活動者若為男性、每週平均游泳次數達四次以上者且每月休閒消費金額平均有3000元至6000元者,在潛水休閒效益的獲得上會有最良好的感受與取得。


In this paper, we wanted to study the leisure benefits of diving actives at the dive sites of Kenting area. We obtained the198 samples included 38 invalid questionnaires through the purposive sampling. Therefore, the 160 questionnaires were valid for this study and its effective rate was 80.1%. According to the analysis for the study, we obtained the following results: (A) For the reliability analysis, the range of Cronbach's alpha values for the scales of benefits leisure were between 0.86 and 0.93. (B) There were positive correlations among physiological benefits, psychological benefits, and social benefits. (C) In the regression model for the leisure benefits of diving activities, the explanatory variables for gender, monthly amount of leisure consumption, and number of weekly swimming with the cumulative experience of diving were selected as the main and important factors. The results shows that the diving actives would gain the better effective of leisure benefit if the men swam more than four times for weekly, and the amount of consumptions in leisure were between 3000 NT dollars and 6000 NT dollars for monthly.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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