Today athletes success is not accidentally and the luck, must after various different method and strength of practice mode and other people cannot bear of hard, now many players seriously training can often game results cannot get good of success or trained serious of movement hurt, caused many players are faced has failed sense or in game Shi cannot play usually of practice of level, actually, regardless of is more great of athletes are will experience because external of environment and the various factors of effect Xia, Have led players to give up their dreams reduced movement, and creates a sense of exclusion, athletes how to enhance the psychological quality and adjust the capacity is the key. While resilience refers to the efforts, pain and does not give up and will power, the attitude of the ensuing battle, today has become a competitive sport of Kendo pointer in each country strong national strength, human progress, strive for excellence, the pursuit of a top goal. Therefore, competitive sport in countries throughout the world are becoming more and more common, more and more fierce competition, which only reached the top technology and strong mental toughness to step onto the world stage, can reach a peak level.
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