


Energy Expenditure and Supplement on Swimming Exercise




楊璁人(Tsung-Jen Yang);邱志暉(Chih-Hui Chiu);楊偉鈞(Wei-Chun Yang)


碳水化合物 ; 胰島素 ; 肌酸 ; 維生素 ; Carbohydrate ; Insulin ; Creatine ; Vitamins




9期(2016 / 12 / 01)


19 - 24




游泳運動所需要的飲食攝取除了足夠一般身體活動的消耗之外,還需額外補充以提供因訓練而產生較高的能量需求。運動可以提升胰島素作用,促進葡萄糖進入到細胞內使用,而游泳運動也有增加胰島素敏感度的正面效益。然而,游泳運動的能量代謝較不同於一般陸上運動的情況,分別有磷酸肌酸、無氧醣酵解,也包括了碳水化合物 (carbohydrate,CHO)、脂肪及蛋白質等有氧能量來源;此外,CHO 的補充對肌肉細胞儲存葡萄糖有顯著提升的效果,先前研究也有針對攝取肌酸、維生素及礦物質對游泳運動產生的代謝反應做探討,但對提升游泳運動表現的效果為何,目前還不清楚。目的:本文主要針對游泳運動的能量代謝以及游泳運動的能量補充等部分,進行相關文獻的探討與剖析,提供給專項運動教練、運動員以及對此議題有興趣的讀者作為參考。


Background: It needs adequate consumption of dietary intake for daily activities on swimming exercise, in addition, more energy expenditure for training. Exercise could promote glucose into the cells by increase in the action of insulin. And it has a positive efficiency on insulin sensitive after swimming exercise. However, it's different condition between swimming exercise and land exercise on energy metabolism. The energy source produce from creatine phosphate, anaerobic glycolysis, and aerobic system. Beside, supplement carbohydrate has increase significantly glucose storage in muscle cells. Previous studies have investigated that affection on oral creatine, vitamins, and minerals before swimming exercise, but not clearly on exercise performance. Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate energy expenditure and energy supplement on swimming exercise. And provide some information to coach, athletes, and readers who are interested in this issue.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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