


The Characteristics and Safety of Blood Flow Restriction Training




陳韶華(Shao-Hua Chen)


血流限制 ; 肌肉肥大 ; Blood Flow Restriction ; Hypertrophy




14期(2020 / 07 / 01)


76 - 86




血流限制(blood flow restriction, BFR)加壓訓練是一種新興的運動訓練方式,其原理是利用運動訓練前使用加壓帶(充氣式或無充氣)繫於上肢或下肢近端來限制活動肌群之動脈血液流入以及阻止靜脈血液流出,造成局部作用肌群短暫缺氧、促使代謝提高、利用細胞腫脹等作用達到肌肉肥大和有氧能力提升,可應用於阻力訓練、有氧訓練或日常生活步行中。BFR訓練的特色有:1.負荷強度低,訓練時肌纖維受傷較少,復原快;2.訓練時加壓部位形成靜脈池效應,造成細胞腫脹;3.訓練效果非只有加壓部位,非加壓部位之鄰近作用肌肉和較遠之肌肉也深受影響(遠程影響);4.低負荷即能募集快肌纖維參與收縮;5.低強度BFR有氧訓練也能促進肌肉肥大;6.同樣運動強度下,BFR訓練比傳統訓練較快疲勞和力竭,即短時間就可達到運動效能;7.BFR搭配低強度阻力訓練,較無法產生神經適應之效果。在訓練安全方面,建議在訓練前應採用風險評估的篩檢工具來降低風險;訓練時注意是否加壓壓力不當或時間過久可能對血管、血液、神經系統、肌肉組織等造成傷害;訓練時血流動力學會產生急遽的變化,在運動過程中需要控制血壓的人,應謹慎使用BFR。此外,也要考量影響阻止動脈血流的因素如訓練時的姿勢、加壓帶寬度和肢體圍度,使訓練風險最小化和效益最大化。


Blood flow restriction (BFR) in combination with resistance training (RT) and aerobic training (AT) have been shown to result in favorable effects on skeletal muscle and cardiovascular fitness. BFR with exercise is a novel training method partially restricting arterial inflow and fully restricting venous outflow in working musculature. The training method can induce muscle hypertrophy and promote cardiovascular fitness by way of decreased oxygen, accumulation of metabolites and cell swelling. The characteristics of BFR training are as follows: 1.BFR with RT induces cross-transfer and remote effects in muscle hypertrophy. 2. Low-intensity RT with BFR can increase recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibres. 3. Low-intensity AT with BFR also induces muscle hypertrophy. 4. Low-intensity RT with BFR only induce minimal level of muscle damage and recover quickly. 5. BFR training causes rapid fatigue and all out than traditional training at the same intensity. 6. Low-intensity RT with BFR can't induce neural adaptation. 7. BFR with exercise can cause venous pooling and muscle cell swelling. In terms of BFR training safety, although related researches have pointed out that it does not pose a high risk to physical health, screening tools for risk assessment should be used before BFR training. Pay attention to whether improper pressure or prolonged training may affect blood vessels , nervous system and muscle tissue. People who need to control blood pressure during exercise should use BFR with caution, because it elicits greater hemodynamic change. We must also consider the factors that affect the arterial blood flow, such as training posture, compression cuff width and limb circumference to minimize training risks and maximize training benefits.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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