


Investigation of Causes and Treatment of Tennis Elbow Injuries




何家安(Chia-An Ho);葉紘志(Hung-Chih Yeh);陳建廷(Chien-Ting Chen);鄭鴻衛(Hung-Wei Cheng)


網球 ; 運動傷害 ; 關節損傷 ; 韌帶磨損 ; Tennis Elbow ; Sports injury ; Joint damage ; Ligament wear




17期(2021 / 12 / 01)


12 - 20




網球運動是一項世界知名且有許多參與者的運動,但是在運動的過程中難免有運動傷害的發生,其中又以肘部傷害為主,且許多非從事網球運動者也有相關病史,若不盡可能治療並將其症狀排除,有可能成為一個身體日後的負擔。基於以上背景因素,本文整理許多關於網球肘(Tennis Elbow)之傷害因素以及其治療方法討論,將其提供給民眾或是從事相關運動者做為參考。本文研究目的:對於網球運動員來說肘部傷害,目前對於其傷害與成因較少合併敘述,因此本文獻回顧關於其運動員及非運動員傷害成因與治療方式之研究加以探討。方法:本文搜尋近期的文獻資料庫,包括PubMed及華藝中文電子期刊之中英文文獻。結果:總共蒐集30篇期刊,並整理出關於網球運動各項因素可能導致運動員肘部關節損傷以及治療方式加以討論。結論:網球運動員肘部關節傷害風險比例高且多數為過度使用導致韌帶磨損,教練需要去注意運動員身體所負荷強度以及動作技能使用之合理性,這樣才是真正降低運動員損傷的根本觀念。


Tennis is a world-renowned sport with many participants. However, it is inevitable that sports injuries will occur during the exercise. Elbow injuries are the main cause. Many non-tennis players also have related medical history. Treat as much as possible and eliminate the symptoms, which may become a burden on the body in the future. Based on the above background factors, this article sorts out many discussions about tennis elbow (Tennis Elbow) injury factors and its treatment methods, and provides them to the public or those engaged in related sports as a reference. Purpose: For tennis players, elbow injuries are rarely described in combination with their injuries and causes. Therefore, this paper reviews the research on the causes and treatment methods of their athletes and non-athlete injuries. Method: This article searches the recent literature database, including PubMed and Huayi Chinese electronic journals in Chinese and English. Results: A total of 30 journals were collected, and various factors of tennis sports that may cause athletes' elbow joint injuries and treatment methods were discussed. Conclusion: Tennis players have a high risk of elbow joint injuries and most of them are caused by excessive use of ligaments. Coaches need to pay attention to the strength of the athlete's body load and the rationality of the use of movement skills. This is the fundamental concept of reducing athletes' injuries.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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