


Research on Participation Motivation and Satisfaction of Users of Fitness Sports Center in Taipei and New Taipei City




謝宗霖(Tsung-Ling Hsieh);陳南福(Nan-Fu Chen)


運動中心 ; 參與動機 ; 滿意度 ; Sports Center ; Participation Motivation ; Satisfaction




17期(2021 / 12 / 01)


70 - 84




隨著健身運動逐漸興起,健身運動中心也隨著健身運動的興起林立於雙北市各區,本研究使用問卷調查法,以「雙北市健身運動中心使用者參與動機與滿意度調查問卷」作研究工具,調查內容分基本資料、參與動機及滿意度三個部分,共46題。皆採李克特氏五分量表計分,以雙北市健身運動中心參與動機與滿意度之使用者為研究對象,共隨機發放400份,有效問卷為400份,有效問卷率為100%。採用SPSS分析,包括信度效度、敘述性統計、因素分析、次數分配、獨立樣本T檢定及單因子變異數分析法,針對不同題目去做分析。研究結果如下:1. 參與者以男性居多。2. 年齡層以21~30歲為主要成員,也是主要消費族群。3. 健身運動年資以「1年以下」最多,亦指健身運動近年興起傾向。4. 每週運動次數以「沒有一定頻率(想去就去)」、每次運動時數以「1小時~未滿2小時」。5. 使用健身運動中心時段則以「晚上18:01~22:00」為主。6. 參與者動機與滿意度,影響參與者運動次數及時數。


With the gradual rise of fitness sports, fitness centers have also been established in various districts of Taipei and New Taipei City with the rise of fitness sports. This study uses a questionnaire survey method and uses the "Taipei and New Taipei City Fitness Center User Participation Motivation and Satisfaction Questionnaire" as a research tools, the survey content is divided into three parts: basic information, participation motivation and satisfaction, a total of 46 questions. All were scored on the Likert's five-point scale, and the participants in the Taipei and New Taipei Fitness Sports Center's participation motivation and satisfaction were studied. A total of 400 copies were randomly distributed, with 400 valid questionnaires, and the effective questionnaire rate was 100%. Use SPSS analysis, including reliability and validity, narrative statistics, factor analysis, frequency allocation, independent sample T test, and single-factor analysis of variance to analyze different topics. The research results are as follows: 1. Participants are mostly male. 2. The main members of the age group are 21-30 years old, and they are also the main consumer groups. 3. Fitness exercises have the most seniority of "under 1 year", which also refers to the rising trend of fitness exercises in recent years. 4. The number of exercises per week is "No frequency (go if you want)", and the number of exercise hours per week is "1 hour to less than 2 hours". 5. The time period for using the fitness center is mainly" 18:01-22:00 in the evening". 6. Participants' motivation and satisfaction affect the number of exercises and the number of participants.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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