Achievement goal theory has been widely used to explore athletes' cognitive, affective, and behavioral responses in achievement situations. Duda (2013) developed the motivational climate framework by combining achievement goal theory and self-determination theory, which provides a theoretical basis for explaining and predicting sports motivation, achievement performance, and related behaviors. However, there is little research on the coach-athlete relationship. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between empowering and disempowering climates and coach-athlete relationship, satisfaction, and withdrawal intention. A questionnaire was administered to 308 high school volleyball player, and Pearson's correlation and multiple stepwise regression were used to analyze the data. Bootstrapping was used to test the mediating effects. The results showed that empowering climate was positively related to coach -athlete relationship and satisfaction and had predictive power, while disempowering climate was negatively related to coach-athlete relationship and satisfaction and predicted withdrawal intention. The coach-athlete relationship partially mediated the effect of empowering climate on satisfaction, and fully mediated the effect of disempowering climate on withdrawal intention. In conclusion, athletes' perceptions of coaches shaping empowering climate are beneficial to enhancing the coach - athlete relationship and promoting satisfaction, while perceptions of disempowering climate negatively affect the coach-athlete relationship and lead to withdrawal intention.
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