


The "Saddle Period" and the History of Concepts-with a Discussion on Concepts from East Asia's Transitional Period




方維規(Wei-Gui Fang)


「鞍型期」與概念史 ; 現代概念的生成和特徵 ; 東亞的概念現代化 ; "Saddle Period" ; Begriffsgeschichte ; formation and features of modern concepts ; modernization of concepts in East Asia




1期(2011 / 12 / 01)


85 - 115






The term ”saddle period” that was introduced by Reinhart Koselleck refers to the transitional period between early Modernity and the nineteenth and twentieth century, i.e. the passage from pre-modernity to modernity. Research of the history of concepts, which he regarded as both possible and necessary, seeks to comprehend the modern world from a semantic perspective. By pointing out the change in meaning of existing concepts, Kosseleck sought to make evident the existence of a ”saddle period”. ”Begriffsgeschichte” as pursued by the German School is closely connected with social history. It pays attention to social reality and the changes it undergoes, to the subjective experience of reality that is documented in a given period, and to historical contexts. Modern concepts are not only indicators of their time but factors that actively shape history; they contain features such as temporalization, politicization, democratization and potential ideologization. The nineteenth century, marking the emergence of globalization, brought profound transformation to East Asia as well. An undeniable indication of Western influence and East Asian adaptation is the transfer of concepts. In view of the ”simultaneity of non-simultaneous history” and the ”non-simultaneity of simultaneous history” observable during the East Asian period of transition, as well as the significance or meaning attributable to the application of concepts, development of a Comparative History of Concepts focusing on East Asia and a history of key terms and their application is necessary.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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