


Translation of Word "戀愛" (Romantic Love) and Its Impact on Transformation of Its Meaning




清地ゆき子(Kiyochi Yukiko);姚紅(Hong Yao)


近代譯詞 ; 戀愛 ; 意義縮小 ; 高尚的精神性 ; 反輸入 ; Modern Translation ; Romantic Love ; Reduction of Meaning ; Refined Spirituality ; Reverse Migration




6期(2014 / 06 / 01)


255 - 300






This paper analyzes etymologically how the modern translated term "戀愛" started to came into widespread use as a word which meant "男女相互愛慕 (romantic love)". Use of this term "戀愛" can also be seen in classic Chinese literature; however the intended meaning was different from the present Chinese language. Even when this term was recorded as translated term in "英華字典 (English-Chinese Dictionary)" in mid-19th century, its meaning was not specific for romantic relationships between men and women, but articulated much broader meaning than the present Chinese language. On the other hand, "戀愛 (romantic love)" of Japanese language, which was borrowed from Chinese language in 1870s while translating the Western literature in Meiji period, was used specifically for romantic relationships between men and women and it included the connotation of "Refined Spirituality" departed from physical pleasures. This loan term "戀愛" of Japanese language abridged the extensiveness of original Chinese term and added a tinge of "Refined Spirituality". It became prevalent from 1880s to 1890s. In the beginning of 20th century, the term "戀愛" carrying reduced meaning similar to Japanese term "戀愛" started to appear in newspapers and magazines such as《清議報》,《新小説》 and《浙江潮》 which were founded in Japan by Chinese nationals living in Japan. Moreover, the arguments of eminent figures such as Zhou Zuoren and Hu Shi pertaining to "freedom of romantic love" and "problem of chastity" in magazine 《新青年》 in late 1910s indicate that the connotation of "Refined Spirituality" was also included in word "戀愛". Perhaps, it could be the influence of linguistic interaction with Japanese language which sparked spread of the present meaning of "戀愛" in Chinese language.

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