


The Concepts of "Luminous Monarch" (明主) in the Warring States Period: Compare with the Idea of "Sage Ruler"(聖人)




青山大介(Daisuke Aoyama)


明主 ; 聖人 ; 《商君書》 ; 《管子‧形勢解》 ; 《韓非子》 ; luminous monarch ; sage ruler ; the Book of Lord Shang ; "Xingshijie" of Guanzi ; Hanfeizi




11期(2016 / 12 / 01)


61 - 96






This article analyzes the characteristics of the concept of "sage ruler"(聖人)and "luminous monarch"(明主)with a close focus upon the concept of "wiseness"(聰明性). It also inquires into the process and development of their conceptual relationship during the Warring States period. My observation is as follows: Firstly, the concept of "sageness" has originated in the tradition of ancient image of shaman, symbolizing "ears with hearing ability" to perceive everything beyond any space-time limitation. The concept of "luminous monarch" originated in the term "vision" which symbolized a state of a room bright with moonlight through windows. With such a vision, the ruler was invested with the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood accurately and instantly. Secondly, in the early Warring States period, "sage ruler" and "luminous monarch" were viewed as an image of ideal monarch with the capacity of the sageness(聖)and luminosity(明). Nevertheless, in the Book of Lord Shang, the concept of sageness was associated with the concept of creator, while that of a luminous monarch with followers. Thirdly, in the later Warring States period, Legalist thinkers proposed the relationship between "luminous monarch-employer-master" on the top versus "sageness-employee-vassal" below. Legalists have proposed an image of the monarch who were released from the duty to lead the nation by himself as a sage rule, accordingly imposing the duty for the statecraft to his minister "the number two". In this way, the ruler had an opportunity to obtain the model for safe and effective way to enhance his country, in which the sage minster would actually take charge of all the works for attaining that purpose.

主题分类 人文學 > 歷史學
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