


A Comparative Study on the Production of Doctorate Degree-holders in Kinmen




王宏男(Hung-Nan Wang)


金門博士 ; 比較性研究 ; Kinmen doctor ; comparative study




9卷1期(2021 / 11 / 25)


51 - 79






Kinmen has the reputation of being a place where coastal culture flourishes, both Youxi Zheng (first Jinshi (scholars) of Taiwan) and Tinglan Cai (first Jinshi of Penghuting) are of Kinmen ancestry. While many local researchers are studying the Jinshis of Jinmen, only a few studies were related to doctorate degree holders. Both Jinshi and doctorate degree-holders can bring honor to their families, hang horizontal inscribed boards in the ancestral temple, reverently appreciate the virtue and blessing of the ancestors, which is a traditional cultural characteristic of the coastal Southern Fujian. This paper adopted Bereday's comparative method in education to conduct a comparative study of the changes in time, universities, settlement, township, gender, and discipline among Kinmen doctoral graduates. The study finds the following: the comparative study from the "time" perspective reveals that, after dividing the 60 years into five stages, there were eight years in which Kinmen had no doctoral graduate. In earlier years, it was more difficult to obtain a doctorate and thus there was less number of graduates, whereas in later years, when it was easier to obtain a degree, the number of graduates was higher. From the "universities" perspective, it is found that foreign schools accounted for 41.13% and domestic schools accounted for 58.86%, among which the 221 graduates from 20 domestic public universities accounted for 82.15%, with Taiwan University having the most, 56 graduates. 113 graduates from 61 American universities accounted for 60.63%, with the University of Michigan, New York University, Purdue University, and the University of California, Berkeley having the most graduates. In the study of "settlements", it was found that among the 170 settlements across 6 townships, 452 doctoral graduates were distributed in 92 settlements. The top three villages were Guning Village, Wenshali, and Zhushali; the top three settlements were Huxia, Houpangshan, and Shamei; and the top three out of the six townships were Jincheng Township with 147 graduates, Jinning Township with 118 graduates, and Jinsha Township with 99 graduates. In terms of "gender", the ratio of male to female is 8:2. The research of “disciplines" found that 288 graduates were in scientific and technical majors, accounting for 63.15% of the total number of 457 graduates. Among the 15 disciplines of this category, engineering was the top discipline, with 125 graduates, accounting for 43.40%. 116 graduates were in the social sciences category, which contained 6 disciplines, accounting for 24.78% of total graduates. Among them, the social and behavioral sciences discipline had the most graduates, with 56 graduates accounting for 48.27%. 52 graduates are in humanities majors, accounting for 11.40% of the total, and 37 graduates in humanities discipline accounted for 71.15% of the total number of graduates among the six disciplines.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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